Guest Ministers & Board


Rev. Candace Henry


Rev. Greg Barrette

Rev. Don Barton

Rev. Kathy Beasley

Rev. Harold Correa

Rev. Faith Cotter

Rev. Beth Head

Hank Lewis, LUT

Rev. Lulu Logan

Deanna Miller, Ministerial Student



Phyllis Lockwood – President
Phyllis Lockwood has been a student of Unity since mid 60’s when she attended a weekly neighborhood class taught by a Unity teacher. Unity churches were mostly unknown in her area at that time, and that was a great way to have Unity introduced.  
She attended Bowling Green State University in northern Ohio.  She is the mother of three engineer sons.  Her time over the years has been spent as an “at home Mom”, taking classes of all kinds, volunteering in the community and helping her family build each of their homes. After 61 years of marriage, she has finally learned to just  “let go and be”.  In her words, life is not meant to be a struggle, but a learning experience.  Phyllis is a shining example of Unity teachings.

Christine Boyle, Vice President
I am from a small town called Bassett Virginia.  Bassett used to be the #1 manufacturer of wood furniture in the world. After graduation from High School, I worked for Bassett Industries.  Then to Washington DC and worked for the government, in many different departments and agencies.  I had a top-secret clearance and was working next door to the White House when President Kennedy was shot.  After that I worked at the Vehicle Assembly Building and then Patrick A.F.B. before retirement.

I married my first husband in Washington DC and had my daughter, Sherry, I have the one daughter, one granddaughter and one great granddaughter, who calls me GiGi. 
I have been in Florida for 41 years, first in Merritt Island and currently in Cape Canaveral.  I have lived in Ohio, Mississippi, Maryland and Washington D.C.
I like sports and Arts and Crafts.  I played as a pitcher in softball in High School, loved roller skating, was on bowling leagues, played golf, pool and have been in several dance clubs and especially enjoy dancing with my best friend and favorite dance partner, Sal!  I have been in charge of the dances at the Moose Club and the Veterans Memori
al Center.  I held several officer positions for the Women of the Moose, the Brevard Single Adult Club, the Red-Hot Singles Chapter, and the Red Hat Society. 

After retirement I worked part-time for many venues in Brevard county and had my own business in crafting, along with co owning a consignment shop.
I have been a member of Unity for 25 years with this being my 5th location!  I served on the board from 2008-2011 as Secretary, Vice President and President.  I like Unity because it is so different from the strict Baptist religion, I grew up in.  My biggest accomplishment for my church was lowering the Insurance Premium by $8,000 a year.
It is an honor to serve as a Board Member once again.
With sincere Love and Blessings to All,  Christine

Kim Wight   – Secretary

Kim has been a part of UCMI since 2010 when she became the Office Manager for Rev Rose Whitham. Kim and Rev. Rose partnered for 9 1/2 years, enjoying each other and their jobs. Their friendship remains strong to this day. Kim says Rev. Rose brought her to a new way of living life. Unity has been a “life saver” for Kim. Having never experienced religion, she is grateful she had nothing to unlearn. To her Unity is a way of life and she intends to continue this path.

Kim gave up her office job at Unity in 2022 and soon after took a break from the church to tend to personal healing. She came back and joined the board in 2024. She loves Unity and her Unity family.

Barb Dyer – Treasurer

When Barb was in college at Bowling Green State University, she embraced the hippie lifestyle, and other movements that 
paralleled the “love one another right now” movements. She most particularly put a lot of my time and energy into feminism and the women’s rights movement. After college, she traveled around a lot, and eventually settled down in Huntsville, TX. Barb got a job in telecommunications as a cable splicer, got married, was elected President of the NOW Huntsville Chapter, became a job steward in Communications Workers of America, and the Union Liaison in the Texas State NOW. She was transferred to San Antonio, and it was there that she gave birth to her daughter, Celeste. Soon after she divorced, but stayed active in the union, boycotted grapes, and began the working mother single parent lifestyle. “All my rowdy friends have settled down.”

Eventually, she and her daughter moved to Cincinnati, OH for the J.O.B. The life of a single parent was difficult and rewarding and still to this day she believes parenting is the hardest job she ever volunteered for.

While in Cincinnati, she wore many hats, mother, daughter, lover, healer, teacher, quilter, sewist, and chicken farmer. She attended Garden Park Unity Church and experienced peaks and valleys in her spiritual growth. In July, 2022, after selling her home, she retired to Florida. Soon after arriving here, she found and started attending UCMI, and received the warmest and loving welcome. UCMI and the Unity Movement are the perfect fit for her rebellious, hippie heart. Barb says she found what she was hungry for on her spiritual journey. LOVE!!!

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